Monday, November 28, 2011

A Letter to my "Neighbors"

Dear Neighborhood Douchebags:

Thanks so much for keeping me awake with your pointless fighting last night. The broken glass was an especially nice touch.

You owe me a Lunesta. There is a twenty minute window within which it will either work or not work. That window was disrupted by your asshattery and guess who had to get up early this morning and go to work on about 5 hours of sleep? 

Now, I wouldn't expect you to understand the concept of having to go somewhere every day and earn a paycheck when you clearly have much better things to do, such as fight, break glass, hurl racial epithets and have the police summoned in order to teach you how to behave, but in the future, it would be nice if you could take pause for a moment of reflection before you disturb the peace and ask yourself, "Will my neighbor enjoy what am I about to do?"  If the answer is no, please take your drunk ass home and go to bed.

One other thing, the next time you decide that a fight sounds like a mature, responsible adult decision, please have your wives/girlfriends/baby mamas, etc. take the children INSIDE the house BEFORE you start slinging the F word and breaking bottles. Kids shouldn't have to see or hear things like that.  That would be great.  Thanks.

Best Regards,

Your Tired as Hell Neighbor in Apt. 4

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